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EPL News & Blogs

21 September 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – In the recent issue of EPL, a study examines the role of international courts and tribunals (ICTs) in the settlement of international disputes. The emergence of...


25 August 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – We are pleased to announce that the first issue of Volume 50 of Environmental Policy and Law (EPL) has now been published online. Yes, the journal looks different –...


5 August 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – As we celebrate the publication of Volume 50 of Environmental Policy and Law (EPL) in 2020, we take a moment to reflect and then look to the future. For five decades...


31 July 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – Space debris was the focus of one of EPL's most-read articles last year. The challenge of space debris is an ever-increasing problem that threatens the sustainability of...

22 May 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – To mark the International Day for Biological Diversity, we highlight the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and the report in the new issue of EPL that looks at Contributions...