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EPL News & Blogs

2 June 2021 | Amsterdam, NL – On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Stockholm conference that created the United Nations Environmental Programme, it is clear that the global environmental...

15 March 2021 | Gland, Switzerland – The pandemic has significantly impacted nature conservation around the globe, including job losses among protected area rangers, reduced anti-poaching patrols and...

3 February 2021 | Nairobi, Kenya – Climate litigation cases have spiked in recent years, making the courtroom increasingly relevant to efforts to address climate change around the world. A UN...

26 November 2020 | Paris, France – For the first time, the Council of State (Conseil d’Etat) had to rule on a case regarding the fulfilment of France’s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...

9 October 2020 | New York, NY, USA – Researchers at Columbia University have launched the world’s first database of carbon dioxide removal laws. The database, which is publicly available at cdrlaw.org...

24 July 2020 | New York, NY, USA – Introducing: SDGs Today (sdgstoday.org). Time is ticking for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were set in 2015. With only 10 years left to achieve those...

15 July 2020 | Winnipeg, MB, Canada – Data made public today on EnergyPolicyTracker.org, a new website tracking climate- and energy-related recovery policies, shows a total commitment of at least USD...