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EPL News & Blogs

13 June 2022 | New Delhi, India – The first week of June 2022 became a rare “environment week” as it witnessed two back-to-back global environmental events prior to the World Environment Day (5 June)...


9 June 2022 | Amsterdam, NL – The EPL Editor-in-Chief, Bharat H. Desai, PhD, hosted an exclusive webinar “Envisioning Our Environmental Future” on June 3, 2022, in conjunction with the Stockholm+50...

16 May 2022 | Amsterdam, NL – The latest issue of Environmental Policy and Law (EPL) is solely dedicated to the special section, Stockholm+50 and Beyond, and includes eight articles from experts in...

11 May 2022 | Amsterdam, NL – The EPL Editor-in-Chief, Bharat H. Desai, PhD, extends an invitation to join the exclusive webinar "Envisioning Our Environmental Future" to be held on June 3, 2022, in...

14 March 2022 | Amsterdam, NL – The latest issue of Environmental Policy and Law (EPL) expands on its “Stockholm+50 and Beyond” section with two new papers – the first of which sees Peter Haas...

3 March 2022 | Nairobi, Kenya – The 5th UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) concluded in Nairobi with 14 resolutions to strengthen actions for nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The...


19 January 2021 | Heidelberg, Germany – The world is facing climate emergency, one of a series of overlapping and mutually reinforcing environmental crises. In 2017, more than 15,000 scientists from...

7 January 2022 | Amsterdam, NL – The latest issue of Environmental Policy and Law (EPL) includes the very first article in the new “Stockholm+50 and Beyond” section – a must-read by Nicholas A...

1 December 2021 | Nairobi, Kenya – The United Nations General Assembly agreed on the way forward for plans to host an international meeting at the highest possible level in Stockholm next June (2022)...


11 November 2021 | Amsterdam, NL – IOS Press joined 14 of the world’s largest and most reputable academic publishers in the new Climate Change Knowledge Cooperative initiative, led by Kudos and Impact...