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EPL News & Blogs

19 November 2020 | Lincoln, UK – While banning single-use plastic bags is one step towards addressing global plastics pollution, more needs to be done in relation to plastic waste in our oceans. This...

3 November 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – Currently trending as the “most viewed EPL journal article” is a study that addresses the continuing quest for effective sustainable development laws, policies and...

30 October 2020 | Southampton, UK – Kristina Gjerde is a High Seas Policy Advisor for the International Union for Conservation for Nature (IUCN) and a member of the DOSI Executive. In this interview...

14 October 2020 | Helsinki, Finland – The COVID-19 crisis has brought people and societies to their knees, no matter if rich or poor. Universal sustainability transformations have potential to be the...

9 October 2020 | New York, NY, USA – Researchers at Columbia University have launched the world’s first database of carbon dioxide removal laws. The database, which is publicly available at cdrlaw.org...

2 October 2020 | New York, US – In a new study published by Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, experts warn that some species are disappearing at a rate quicker than they can be discovered.


21 September 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – In the recent issue of EPL, a study examines the role of international courts and tribunals (ICTs) in the settlement of international disputes. The emergence of...


25 August 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – We are pleased to announce that the first issue of Volume 50 of Environmental Policy and Law (EPL) has now been published online. Yes, the journal looks different –...


20 August 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – The expertise of EPL’s Editorial Board is expanding, with new members appointed to the journal’s senior team. In a series of posts, we will introduce the new editors...

12 August 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – Last month, a Melbourne law student filed a case against the Australian Government in relation to its inadequate response to climate change. The claim calls for...
