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EPL News & Blogs

31 July 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – Space debris was the focus of one of EPL's most-read articles last year. The challenge of space debris is an ever-increasing problem that threatens the sustainability of...

24 July 2020 | New York, NY, USA – Introducing: SDGs Today (sdgstoday.org). Time is ticking for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were set in 2015. With only 10 years left to achieve those...

15 July 2020 | Winnipeg, MB, Canada – Data made public today on EnergyPolicyTracker.org, a new website tracking climate- and energy-related recovery policies, shows a total commitment of at least USD...

18 June 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – The latest webinar organized by the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) took place earlier this month and focused on the topic of climate change.


22 May 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – To mark the International Day for Biological Diversity, we highlight the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 and the report in the new issue of EPL that looks at Contributions...

16 April 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – The most viewed Environmental Policy and Law article so far this year is one that focuses on the peril of plastic and its impact on the oceans. It is a frightening...

2 March 2020 | Amsterdam, NL – The launch of the new Environmental Policy and Law website is an excellent complement to the growing digital portfolio of IOS Press and the new publication platforms...
